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๐Ÿ›Ž๏ธ Introduction

zjkalLess than 1 minute

๐Ÿ›Ž๏ธ Introduction

What is TimeHelper?

TimeHelper is a simple and user-friendly PHP Date and Time Helper Library that enables quick implementation of common date and time operations. It includes functionalities such as getting the number of seconds from a specified time, obtaining a user-friendly time format, checking time ranges, calculating the difference between two times, and providing timestamps for N hours/days/weeks/months/years ago or in the future, among other features.

What are the main features?

  • Light: It does not rely on any extensions and is ready to use out of the box
  • Easy: All methods can accept either arbitrary date and time formats or timestamps
  • Smart: All operations can be accomplished with just one static method for each
  • Long-term: The author is a freelancer committed to ensuring the project's long-term.

Why not Carbon?

There is no doubt that carbon, as a PHP time and date assistant class library, is very powerful, but I think it is still not simple enough. So TimeHelper appeared. Personal opinion, donโ€™t comment if you donโ€™t like it.

What is the original intention of open source?

Time and date operations are often used. At first, I just used it myself. Later, I made it into a Composer package and shared it with my friends. The response was pretty good. So I decided to improve the documentation, hoping that more programmers would not need to reinvent the wheel.