๐ Conversion
January 23, 2025About 1 min
๐ Conversion
It is used to convert crawlers crawling web pages or third-party programs to connect with different time formats
Convert any format time to the specified format
Parameter | Introduction | Require |
format | The date format is the same as that of the system function date(). | Optional, default is Y-m-d H:i:s |
datetime | Any type of string time or timestamp | Optional, defaults to the current time |
Return Values
Specifies the format of the time string
Example code
/* Convert the following dates to a date format commonly used in China */
TimeHelper::format('Y-m-d H:i:s','May 3, 2022 12:01:33');
// 2022-03-03 12:01:33
/* Convert timestamps to date formats commonly used in the West */
TimeHelper::format('F j, Y, g:i a',1698762509);
// October 31, 2023, 10:28 pm
Determines whether a string or number is a timestamp
Parameter | Introduction | Require |
timestamp | The string or number to be judged | required |
Return Values
'true' if it's a timestamp, 'false' if it's otherwise
Example code
/* Check whether the following strings are timestamps */
// true
/* Determine whether the following numbers are timestamps */
// false
Arbitrary format time is converted to a timestamp
Parameter | Introduction | Require |
datetime | Any type of string time or timestamp | Optional, defaults to the current time |
Return Values
The timestamp after the conversion
Example code
/* Convert the following dates to timestamps */
TimeHelper::toTimestamp('Apr 11, 2020');
// 1586534400
/* Convert irregular dates to timestamps */
TimeHelper::toTimestamp('2023ๅนด9ๆ 5็น');
// 1693515600
Modify the specified time based on the date string
Parameter | Introduction | Require |
modifier | Date modification string | Required |
datetime | Any type of string time or timestamp | Optional, defaults to the current time |
Return Values
Modified date and time stamp
Example code
/* Add one day to the specified date */
TimeHelper::modifyTimestamp('+1 day', '2023-9-1 12:00:00');
// 1693627200
Get the current time
Parameter | Introduction | Require |
format | The date format is the same as that of the system function date(). | Optional, default is Y-m-d H:i:s |
Return Values
Specifies the current time of the format
Example code
/* `Get the current time` */
// 2024ๅนด7ๆ2ๆฅ 10:01:33
/* Gets the current time in the specified format */
TimeHelper::now('M d, Y H:i:s');
// July 2, 2024 10:01:33